Our warranties
Our domain was registered over 5 years ago
We are not newly registered website. We registered our domain RPGHIT.COM, over 5 years ago. The thematic of the website never changed, and you can check that by using the Wayback machine.
We are selling services in various MMO games for 8+ years.
We have reviews in multiple systems
We have 210+ reviews and 55+ likes on our Facebook page! Those are real people with real social page profiles. Additionally, we have 400+ reviews on our website reviews page. With our system, you can leave a review only after the order.
Payment systems trust us
We are working with Paypalych and Enot.io payment gateways. We sent them every identification document they needed and they can trust us.
We have identified payment wallets in WebMoney and Yoomoney payment systems. This means, that we sent them every ID document they needed.
We do not have access to your Credit/Debit card information
We accept payments only via our payment partners (Paypalych, Enot.io, Paypal). This means that we do not have access to your payment details, credit card number, etc. We accept payments only from cards with enabled 3-D Secure. This means, that you have to confirm every payment made over the internet with SMS code sent from your bank.
We have trustworthy suppliers
We checked every single our supplier one by one. Our target is to find long time regular costumers. We do not want sell you in-game item that was stolen or made using game exploit. What will unquestionably lead your character or account to sanctions from game administration.
We do not oversell our stock
We do not want you to wait your order delivery for days. We strongly recommend you to check with our operators if we have available items in stock and time for delivery of your order. You can use button next to the order placement button to contact with our online operators.
Our contacts
Our contacts are available on Our contacts page. We do not have any other contacts besides them. We deliver items only via chat on the website.